Michael C. Greaser, MD

When Is It Safe to Start Running After an Ankle Fracture?

If you have suffered a fractured ankle and had to have surgery with plates and screws to reduce the fracture, you may wonder when you can return to running. Some amount of healing must take place initially, but over time, one of your goals may be to return to running after your fracture. Is there a safe way to determine when to start running after ankle surgery, and can a physical therapist help? How long does it take before you can hit the road and get back to running after an ankle fracture?

Source : Verywell Health


Location & Directions

UT Physicians Orthopedic Surgery
5420 West Loop South, Suite 2400
Bellaire, Texas 77401

713-486-3550Fax Image713 383 1473 713-486-3550 Fax Image713 383 1473
Texas Medical Center

UT Orthopedics – Texas Medical Center
6400 Fannin St.
Suite 1700
Houston, TX 77030

713-486-3550Fax Image713 383 1473 713-486-3550 Fax Image713 383 1473
Sugar Land

UT Ortho at RBJ Sugar Land
15035 Southwest Freeway
Sugar Land, Texas 77478

713-486-3550Fax Image713 383 1473 713-486-3550 Fax Image713 383 1473