Michael C. Greaser, MD

Talar Osteonecrosis After Subchondroplasty for Acute Lateral Ligament Injuries: Case Series

Talar osteonecrosis is a well-described phenomenon following talar neck fracture, but is a rarely described complication after procedures about the foot and ankle. Here we describe the clinical course of 5 cases of talar osteonecrosis following injection of calcium phosphate into the talus

Source : Foot & Ankle Orthopaedics


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UT Physicians Orthopedic Surgery
5420 West Loop South, Suite 2400
Bellaire, Texas 77401

713-486-3550Fax Image713 383 1473 713-486-3550 Fax Image713 383 1473
Texas Medical Center

UT Orthopedics – Texas Medical Center
6400 Fannin St.
Suite 1700
Houston, TX 77030

713-486-3550Fax Image713 383 1473 713-486-3550 Fax Image713 383 1473
Sugar Land

UT Ortho at RBJ Sugar Land
15035 Southwest Freeway
Sugar Land, Texas 77478

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